Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Is it LOVE?

People write to me and ask me, "How did you know when you had found your bliss"?

I answer, "Well, have you ever been in love"?

You cant sleep, you cant focus, the LOVE is all you think about, pray about, work for. You get butterflies in your stomach at the thought of the JOY that it brings, the anticipation of what tomorrow could bring, the memories of what yesterday left behind.

Love is the first thing you think of when you wake up, and if it isn't, then it should be.

If it isn't, then MAKE LOVE YOUR FIRST THOUGHT. It's a matter of choice. Cant think of something GOOD? SMILE ANYWAY, then take a deep breath in and thank God for your existence, because YOU ARE PURPOSE, and YOU ARE LIGHT.

Love will do anything to lift you up, love will forgive, love will allow, love will GROW, love will save your life.

Love will make you long for beauty, and thoughts become things. Beauty will come, joy will come, prosperity will come, peace will come, simplicity will come, clarity will come, and you will create a masterpiece, when you follow your bliss...when you follow LOVE.

What do you love?

What do you dream of? Where do you want to go? What do you hope to accomplish?

Don't dream it, want it, or hope for it any longer...just follow LOVE.

This is your life; you get one chance at THIS life. And it IS what YOU CHOOSE.

Choose LOVE.

Blessings? Why, of course...

1. For Bliss and the courage to follow it.

2. For Motherhood, which gave me my courage in the first place.

3. For ACTION. I have an obligation to my Creator to live my fullest life. (I'm Your girl...)

4. For Dr.s who aren't in it for the money.

5. For the BarefootSisterhoood, at

And for the lives that are yet to be saved by people who are able and willing to step in.

Now, go....follow your bliss. Your time is NOW.



Monday, June 16, 2008

Blessings from the Butterfly Within Me

Photo By Jeff Balke

There are 5 people in my life who give me grief.

There are 5 people in my life who challenge me to take the high road, bite my tongue, choose the right, and remind me that it's better to be KIND than to be RIGHT.

These people are:

1. The Ex

2. The Nana

3. The Nosey Neighbor

4. The gardener who INSISTS on starting his job at 7 AM!!!!!!!!

5. And, My Father.

Each have 5 qualities that I can appreciate, always. The positives are my ammunition.

Lets break it down, shall we?

A. The Ex.

1. "EX". (Nuff said...but, sure, I'll keep going).

2. We don't live on the same street.

3. We don't speak the same language (trust me).


5. I have got a glimpse of how the other half lives, and I want NOTHING to do with it. I have this person to thank for this insight.

B. The Nana:

1. I have a VERY clear picture of what I DO NOT want to be when I grow up. Kill me first., seriously, if you love me, then kill me first.

2. She didn't raise me. (Thank you God....I love you).

3. I will remember these days, and always shower when I'm old.

4. YOU WILL REMEMBER THIS POST, and always shower when YOU are old.

5. I'm learning how to "can". Yeah, we start on Wednesday. Im really excited. See? (Please dont ask...I don't know).

C. The Nosey Neighbor

1. I amuse myself when I wave at her through her blinds when I can tell she's peeking out.

2. I think it's funny that she stands out at the mailbox, and tells the mailman how much everyone's houses are worth, and which upgrades everyone has.

3. She's home all the time, so if I get robbed, then I know it was HER. lol....

4. Her son is adorable, I appreciate when he comes to visit. I think he's 27 now...

5. She has great theories about what the people directly across the street form her do for work. She has the man pegged as a dealer, and the woman pegged for a stripper.

I know better though...The man works at Morgan Stanly as a financial advisor, and the woman teaches Kindergarten at a private school. lmao....

Ahhhh...the 'burbs.

D. THE GARDENER, who INSISTS ON STARTING AT 7 AM! 5 things....OK, here we go...

1. I don't have to mow my own lawn. That would scare the crap outta me...Id end up on the news with one leg and a survival story, I'm sure of it.

2. He fixes the sprinklers for me after I run them over with my car. (Its only the ones so close to the driveway....they're just so close!)

3. He teaches me Spanish.

4. He tells me that I look nice every time he sees me. (I'm way bigger than he is. He makes me feel HUGE, but he's always so kind. He cant be taller than 4'11".).

5. At Christmas, I buy him a plaid shirt, every year. Who else could I ever buy a plaid shirt for? Especially out of the Boys section! The deals on plaid shirts in the Boys section are really acceptional...


1. He adopted me. That was nice of him.

2. The silence between us these last 6 months has been slightly peaceful, but I miss my Daddy now. Thank you God for giving me a Daddy to miss in the first place. (Even though he can be stubborn).

3. He taught me to always PLAY. And PLAY I do.

4. He instilled a love for nature, and the life cycle of the butterfly. He always compared me to a butterfly, and I have a collection of butterflies from all over the world that my father collected for me during his travels. My Daddy thought of me.

5. He taught me to be thoughtful; to consider another soul is the greatest gift you could ever bestow upon them.

NOW, as much grief as these 5 people may cause me, I am so grateful for my perspective.

My chosen perspective, and sense of gratitude for the blessings in these experiences that are rightfully mine, have transformed me.

I think I see wing buds.

Now, YOU try it.

Whisper I love you in their direction.....then, count the biggest blessing of ALL.

YOU are who YOU are...and YOU are the ONLY YOU in the universe.

Bless the world around you with your light....and love it all.

It all has purpose, and beauty is all around you. It's in your perspective.



Sunday, June 15, 2008

Then there were 20... photo came out really

I graciously acknowledge that I have some catching up to do. For my absence, I will graciously drop, and give you 20.

1. I wasn't able to locate my biological father today. Every Father's Day, I search, to no avail.

I feel blessed that I get to continue on with a ritual...I'll hunt for him again next year.

2. For the phone call I made to the man who adopted me, I am thankful. I'm sure he sat there, listening to me struggle for words on his answering machine....but at least I made the first move.

He is my Father, after all.

3. For the LARABAR. (I have only had the Apple and the Jocolat; BOTH ARE SO GOOD!)

No, no....dont just skim over this, and move on...just try one of these things. They're REALLY good....

My girlfriend Linda came by my house one morning, and she had one she shared with me. Eating them reminds me how good it felt to have a friend love me enough to share her candy with me...

And these are so good, that I , MYSELF, probably would NOT have shared. They are delicious, but remind me to be kind at the same time.

And they're 90% raw, totally organic, sugar free, wheat free, gluten and dairy FREE, no soy....

Just FOOD. Yum.

4. For a few packages of magnets that will go out in tomorrow's mail. I had fun picking out which ones I'd send to whom, and decorating the packages.....

I'm so thankful to be supported in my quest to find a cure for cancer.

5. For surprises that I almost cant hold in, but I know that I have to....I have the MOST BEAUTIFUL surprise. I am SO excited to be part of a solution...

You'd never believe....

OK, soon. I promise.

6. For Arnold Palmer's. ICE cold ones...

7. For Silence. I don't care what ANYONE says, Silence is GOLDEN.

8. For my homemade Potato Salad. I can't go wrong, and at every BBQ, people request it. I feel so proud of this Salad....(I just wish I knew what I did exactly that made it taste so good! Every time I make it, I fear it wont taste the same as before, because I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW what I'm doing!

It's just ALWAYS good...every time.

9. For my quiche....same as above.

10. For optimism; it does so much for my life experience to understand the power of my own perspective. There is such power in our choices.

I am so thankful.

11. For important manuscripts that are printed and ready to be sent off, until I find a happy face on the back, colored in green crayola.

It was the heavens pointing out what I had accomplished, all while raising a 3 year old.

I can print it again...but the time I have right NOW with that little boy, I will never get back.

12. For a job I LOVE, that I can do in my pajama's with the music on, happy faces made of white Play Dough on my desk, and Dora the Explorer singing down the hall. I love my job...

13. For Moon and Star shaped Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches, with pretzels and fresh strawberries on the front lawn.

14. For the notes inside the jar to my right.

15. For the man that I think about all of the time, and for the love that I feel for him. I wonder if he knows what he means to me.

16. For tranquility in my temple; my Home, as well as my Center.

17. For heart ache....

Any feeling other than LOVE, leaves my heart to ache. Who does this really hurt? Their heart, or mine? I love MYSELF more than to allow another day of heart ache over the distaste I have toward someone else.

No love, no hate. No gain, either, unfortunately. But the cycle stops here, and I appreciate that CHOICE.

It just IS.

18. For dreams that come true. I cant say it enough....I'm so excited.

My God...the power of choice is incredible. It's ALL up to me. It's so obvious, and so CLEAR...I get it. It's all coming into full alignment according to a divine PLAN, and I am the Co-Founder.

Gotcha., really...I get it.

19. For the feeling of utter fluidity, in a life filled with every twist and turn imaginable. No, I do not know what LIFE might throw in my direction, but I can tell you that I will ALWAYS be in the best possibly position to WELCOME whatever it may be.

I am prepared, God. I am LOVING this life.

I am loving it now more than ever as I realize what I am capable of when I follow my bliss, and MAKE my dreams a reality.

Life is awesome when we CHOOSE joy. And JOY is our BIRTHRIGHT.....

20. For Harry S. Truman, this Father's Day, who said,

"I have found that the best way to give advice to a child is to find out what they want, and then, advise them to do it"!

Count your blessings; the big ones, the small ones, and every one of them in between...not at the end of each day, but all day long, be grateful, and whisper "thank you" for the many gifts that are bestowed upon you each day, each hour, each moment.

And love one another.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It only looks bad....

But really, it isn't bad at all.

1. Thank you for small, safe, intimate places. For the safety in my blankets, and the warmth from the fireplace, and the light of the half moon. My children sleeping soundly, my heart full of love for the world around me, and my sense of purpose shining through in my personal joy.

I am blessed in these small, intimate places.

2. Thank you for layers of love. Layer upon layer of love surrounds me, protecting me from the harsh realities of what I might otherwise face with fear and anger. No matter how I scream and shout, the layers of love will comfort me. No matter how I cry, kick, yell, curse or collapse, those layers remain all around me. I will always be cushioned, as long as I surround myself in LOVE.

I am blessed to be comforted by layers of love.

3. Thank you for really big dreams. I'm so close to reaching this dream, and I feel so blessed to be chosen to share a message. I feel so blessed to be in the place that I am right now in my life where I am able to truly follow my bliss, and participate in a monumental movement to save lives.

I am so blessed to have big dreams. I promise to always follow them.

4. Thank you for The Station. Stationary. I can always count on my Station, inside me, when I need a quiet place to check the map. I can always get back to The Station, every route will always lead you back to The Station, and no matter which trolley you hop on, chances will eventually end up back at The Station. It's all temporary...look out the window, see the sights....get off the trolley if you dare. It's OK, because another trolley will always be along, with whatever opportunity is headed your way, and do you know what? Inevitably, you end up right back at The Station. So enjoy the ride...each leg of the trip only lasts so long, and we can go ANYWHERE we choose.

How blessed we are though, to always have The Station, our Center. My Center is where God awaits me.

Seems, He is always at the Station...Thank you God for always waiting patiently.

5. Thank you for the word, "Knapsack".

Does anyone ever say that anymore?

(It makes me crack up...)

OK, back into my layers....



Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Answer is in my Watermelon

1. For Seedless Watermelon, I thank Thee.

Summer fruits are divine, and I swear, a little taste of the Heavenly banquet that awaits us. Strawberries, Nectarines, Ripe Peaches, and Bing Cherries, Artichokes, home grown Tomatoes, and the sweetest Oranges EVER come right now. But one season a year, we are blessed with Natures Candy.

I love Summer Food; real, raw, FOOD.

2. For Diet Shasta, I thank Thee.

Yeah, times are tight with finances, so I decided to head over to the 99 Cent Only Store to see what they had in the way of CHEAP Soda...

No one, so far, can tell the difference....Diet Pepsi? Nope. Coke? Nu-uh....


(I cant keep hiding these cans, though....its hiding a boyfriend I know my parents wouldn't approve of...).

I love that I got this poison for such a bargain.

3. For the unexpected...I thank Thee.

I love the unexpected. I always am so sure that I know exactly what I want...I get this feeling of being SO right, SO on target, SO CLEAR.....and I scream to the heavens, "Isn't it OBVIOUS what should be happening right now? Can I get a little help here??"

And there is always a reason....And a surprise that was unexpected.

The answer to my prayer is only "NO", when there is something BETTER in store.

I love that I have faith.

4. For Caterpillars, I thank Thee.

The dogs ate the last ones we found...(I don't know why they did that. Both dogs looked REALLY sorry though, so I had to forgive them).

I have a feeling these enormous creatures will soon be Tiger Swallowtails. As they migrate from Canada, they breed along the way, and the offspring of Caterpillars carries on the cycle, and to Mexico they go.

To drink Margarita's.

No, no, I don't really know what they do once they get to Puerto Villarta, but I would imagine that a Margarita after such a long trip would be a top priority...I'm just guessing.

I love Butterflies, cycles, migration, change, life...and even my dogs.

5. For clean sheets, I thank Thee.

Yep, the sheets are clean...

Candle light, soft music, fresh summer fruit, Diet Shasta with Rum and...

I love clean sheets.



Monday, June 9, 2008

5 Simple Blessings

1. THANK GOD I FOUND MY PANTS! Yep, my favorite pants, my most favorite comfy jeans, the jeans I ALWAYS feel cute in, the ones I swear up and down were tailor made for me by the angels.

Things are LOOKING UP!
2. THANK GOD the tooth fairy came last be honest, she forgot about the visit until about 4:15 AM, when she jumped up out of bed, ran to her purse for a few bucks to find NO MONEY.
She did however have a Toys R Us gift card in there that she bought long ago for a reason she cant remember....
I'll bet you ANYTHING that the tooth fairy is a Mom.....
3. THANK GOD for angels who walk among us, guiding us gently toward our bliss.
(And toward our favorite jeans...I'm still SO happy about that).
4. THANK GOD for Love in my mailbox...
Hand crafted LOVE in my mail box.
5. THANK GOD for telemarketers.
I've been under a lot of stress lately Lord, and you always send one of your angels, brilliantly disguised as "telemarketers", to listen to my woes.
I appreciate that they call and ask for me by makes me feel special. And the fact that they ask for NO money at the end of the session is so GENEROUS, God.
I can hardly stand it....thank you so.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

It was Mint N Chip...

1. For the 10 year old child who shared his ice cream with me, after my scoop of Mint N Chip hit the pavement,

I give thanks.

2. For those who have committed to purchasing Love Magnets,


Awesome things are coming. I am sure of this.

3. For Sisters who support my ambitions, goals, and desires, and for their love that steps in when I feel that the whole world has stepped out,

I give thanks.

4. For the freedom to BAN Cola of ANY kind from my diet, as ALL cola's contain ethylene glycol, which is used in anti-freeze. Ethylene glycol is a slow poison...

For clean drinking water,

I give thanks.

5. For dreams that come true, God...

I give thanks.




I dont care what you weigh,

Only that you heart is heavy with love.

I dont care where you live,

We're both on earth together, and that's all that matters to me.

I dont care what you drive,

I only care that you are driven by your bliss.

I dont care about your social circles,

I only care that you take me just the way that I am.

I dont care what color you are,

I care only that you understand that inside, we are the SAME.

I dont care what religion you practice,

I only care that you practice what you preach.

I dont care where you live,

I only care that you are safe, warm and loved.

I dont care who you know,

I only care that you know me, and take me as I am.

I dont care about your wealth,

I only care that you are rich with Self Worth.

I dont care about your education, or lack there-of...

I only care that you enjoy your life experience...this IS your higher education.

I dont care where you come from,

I care only that you understand that we are all from the same place.

I dont care what you did before,

I care only about the woman that you are right now, today.

I dont care if you understand.

I care only that you understand that I love you anyway.

~Elle Febbo

Saturday, June 7, 2008

But I am only One...

Yep, I am only one, and you are only one, and he is only one, and she is only one. Some will step in, but many will not.

Thank God, all of us, EQUAL ONE.

And One is all it takes.

1. Thank you God for the power of ONE...

I understand the most difficult math equation ever given; many do not.

I am blessed.

2. Thank you God for time.

I understand that I was given the gift of MORE TIME when I beat cancer.

Many do not.

I am blessed.

3. Thank you God for Science. Just as the blood and lymph system run parallel through a body to both sustain life and detoxify, my Human Self, and my Spirit Self, also run parallel....

Once a month, they trip all over one another; but one will ALWAYS sustain life, and the other will ALWAYS find a way to detoxify.

I am blessed.

4. Thank you God for Faith.

Some ask how I could believe in something that I cannot see. I ask them how they could see it all around them and still not believe it.

I am blessed; please, bless them with the gift of sight, God.

5. Thank you God for helping me to continuously find creative ways to raise money to find a cure.

I know they will find a CURE, God, and I have HOPE.

And We'll be blessed.



Friday, June 6, 2008

Femininity Still

Art By Christina Kitchinson

1. Thank you God for femininity.....Fresh Flowers, Fruit Stand Berries, sundresses with sparkly flip-flops and Wide brimmed Hats.

2. Thank you God for femininity.....Child-birth, nursing, lulling, protecting, nurturing, singing soft songs in the quiet of the dawn.

3. Thank you God for femininity.....Thigh high stockings, weekend get-a-ways, steamy nights, sensual glances, naughty games, and exploration.

4. Thank you God for femininity.....The Sisters who guide me, The Mother who supports me, The girlfriends who lift me up, and the strangers who linger in the back ground that I still manage to touch.

Come closer...

5. Thank you God for femininity.....For pink t-shirts, flower tattoo's, and pixie-fairies. For the gift of womanhood,

I am forever grateful.

(Seems no matter how I slice it, I'm still always glad that I'm not a man...).

Lots of crazy love,


Gratitude is YOURS

When I first started counting my blessings, it looked somewhat like this:

Thank you God for:

1. A banana Split shared 3 ways on a hot summer afternoon.

2. For fresh water to quench my thirst.

3. For fresh idea's to quench my mind.

4. For "signs".

5. For the Tao.

I give thanks.

The only thing that has changed since I first began to count my blessings, is that it sometimes feels impossible to narrow it down to just 5.

I could literally be here all day.

God, thank you for gratitude. Living a life of THANKS and APPRECIATION has renewed my tired spirit, and is slowly waking up my sleepy soul.

I could not ask for more.

The gift of a heart full of gratitude is there for is a gift to you, also. All you have to do, is graciously accept it.

All my love,


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

On Courage

1. Thank you God for the courage to disappoint another, to be true to myself.

2. Thank you for the courage to sit in the center of JOY, theirs or my own, without remembering the limitations of being human.

3. Thank you God for the courage to look like a fool for LOVE.

God knows, I'd do anything for love.

4. Thank you God for the courage to follow my driving force and live life to it's fullest, settling for nothing less.

5. Thank you God for the courage to listen to an inner voice that will not leave me alone.

I know she means well...



Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Gratitude For Graditude

For tall skinny mocha's, and pennies on the ground.

For little boys who sleep, and cease to make a sound.

For the cat curled up at the foot of my bed,

And for the silly insanity that flows through my head.

For finger paints, sidewalk chalk, and home made clay,

There are blessings in store for us every day.

It never fails, they're all over the place,

Every where you turn, in every Sisters face.

The the flowers that bloom, and for berries so sweet,

For all the beautiful souls I am bound to meet.

For mid-day naps, and and Creme Bru Le Cheesecake,

For my health, my clarity, and and for old time's sake.

For the garden of dreams in which I have planted my heart.

For peace in knowing I'm doing my part.

For the past that made me who I am today,

And for my dogs who always want to play.

For the 3 year old that never stops talking,

(Just yesterday, I was wishing he were walking...).

For the 10 year old child who lives down the hall,

And every day asks to go to the mall....

For a strong hand to pull me in, when I get out of line,

And for the man who lets me go, when he knows that it's my time.

For choice, joy, freedom, and fortitude,

But mostof all, thank you God, for Gratitude.

By: Elle Febbo

Photography by Elle Febbo

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Sales Girl

Origional Painting by James, The Artist, Age 5

In my first year of college, I got a sales licence here in the state of California to sell automobiles. I was hired (yes, someone actually hired me), at a Nissan Dealership. I sold Nissan's...and yeah, used cars.

Well, I was supposed to be selling cars. I never actually did sell a car, but I was CLOSE once...

It was an OLD couple, in their 70's, maybe, and they found a car there on our lot they could afford. It was Red....with RED interior.

He tried HARD to LOVE it! He kept saying things like "Red! It looks so nice!", and "Its so clean!", and "I love the color Red!", but that old lady just wasn't happy. She kept saying, "but, it's SO red...there is just so much RED!"

They were squeezing together money for the down payment I had FINALLY talked my Sales Manager into taking, and when their daughter said she'd loan them the money at 10% interest, and they were going to buy the car. The old man felt sad about the car now because his daughter was charging interest to her own father, and the old woman was sad just cause it "looked like a lobster".

I slipped them a friends number...she'd been trying to sell the Maxima her parents bought her when she was 16 years old, and I knew they'd love it; I knew it was in their price range, and that they would have to borrow money from anyone.

So I slipped them her phone number and lost the sale.

And my job.

I lasted 3 whole weeks...

Now, I'm trying to SELL advertising on my website. Yes, I want to DONATE 1/2 the proceeds to Relay for Life and fulfill a commitment that I made to a Sister; to help her raise $5,000 for cancer research, and support Relay for Life and those who ARE Relay for Life, in finding a CURE for cancer.

As a Survivor myself, I am passionate about this cause, and and am hoping to raise A LOT more than $5,000. for this AMAZING organization, and the Beautiful Souls behind it.

The other half of my advertising dollars were to fund a trip I've wanted to take and travel with a writing group to teach reading and writing to underprivileged women. (I've wanted to do this trip for 3 years).

So today, I went into a thrift store with my grandma, as we LOVE to do together, and I asked the woman behind the counter what charity was behind the CAUSE for their store.

"We feed people; that's our only purpose".

"What?" I asked...seemed to simple.

"That's all; we just want to feed hungry people; there is no profit. We also accept canned donations in exchange for goods. We just want to feed people".

She looked at me kindly, and went on boxing up food, and gathering goods for local families.

"How do you decide WHO you feed?" I started to feel like a little kid, asking too many questions, but she was kind.

"There is no criteria to meet; other than being hungry".

I didn't know what to say. I whispered, "Cripe", then felt bad.

I was just stunned; I kept thinking there had to be more. So, I asked another question.

"How many people do you feed?" I felt like I was almost challenging her...

"About 3,000 local families. Most of them have signed in here (she pointed to some folders that had obviously been alphabetized). Some are just passing through, or homeless".

She continued on with what she was doing....


I wanted to run into the parking lot, and start sharing the news, but I didn't.

NOW, I want to share these people. I'm EXCITED, and INSPIRED!

The Pen is mightier than the sword, so I figured, "Great, I'll put these people up on my BLOG, and share the news! Oh, wait...those are paid advertising spaces. It wouldn't be fair to any other person or organization if I advertised for free.

I was so bothered...I have a medium, but I cannot use it.

I started to think about how I could give when I myself am on a limited budget and can donate food, but that's about it.

I asked the woman for the information to a website or contact name, so I could share the news...they're angels!

"I'll share it with my friends, I promise", I told her.

"Bless you", she said, softly.

I couldn't possibly IMAGINE selling ad space to these kind individuals...I want to share the good news, take money, is to take DIRECTLY from the mouths of my community members. Ick...

That would be like selling an overpriced Lobster on Wheels to an elderly couple. I cant do it.

So, I thought about this all afternoon. I thought about Rocky; she is an ANGEL who runs and she is AMAZING. I've also wondered, HOW can I get this AMAZING cause MORE AWARENESS!?!? How can I give back to a WOMAN who gives so much to those who, seemingly, have been forgotten?

I let it all go. I sat in the front yard after I got home from my time with my grandma, and let my mind go, and went into my conscious self. My NOW.

Where am I supposed to be, right NOW?

Right where I am.

WHERE is my place in that which is happening around me, to me, through me?

It is in Love.

I don't have time to make THOUSANDS OF LOVE JARS! Was my thought, LOUDLY in my head...

Love Jars? Thousands of them. A gift of love, with the blessings of awareness.

Thank you, God.

1. Thank you God for being all around me.

2. Thank you God for my place. I trust that wherever I am, is exactly where I am supposed to be.

3. Thank you for the 100WATT bulb you turned on in my head, and in my heart while I was trying for peace and quiet. I guess it's true; we don't always know what's best.

4. Thank you for trusting me to serve my purpose and follow my bliss. I wont let you down.

Bliss is fun!

5. Thank you God for Sisters who understand when I answer the phone and say, "Hello, I'm writing, can I call you back, thanks, I love you, bye" and hang up on them all in one breath.

(I cant lose my train of thought, or I get....undesirable to be around).

And Honestly, thank you for providing me the light and the reminder of the most precious gift I've ever received.

My Love Jar.

The Answers are all there....

So too is awareness, kindness, free ads for Charitable Organizations, inspiration and LOVE.

God...A daily reminder of LOVE...


My gift to my Sisters...and I keep my promise to the lady in the thrift store, honor MothersFightingForOthers, and raising awareness that LOVE is the Answer.

Love is the answer, no matter the'll see.



Now, please, open your present. Literally.