People write to me and ask me, "How did you know when you had found your bliss"?
I answer, "Well, have you ever been in love"?
You cant sleep, you cant focus, the LOVE is all you think about, pray about, work for. You get butterflies in your stomach at the thought of the JOY that it brings, the anticipation of what tomorrow could bring, the memories of what yesterday left behind.
Love is the first thing you think of when you wake up, and if it isn't, then it should be.
If it isn't, then MAKE LOVE YOUR FIRST THOUGHT. It's a matter of choice. Cant think of something GOOD? SMILE ANYWAY, then take a deep breath in and thank God for your existence, because YOU ARE PURPOSE, and YOU ARE LIGHT.
Love will do anything to lift you up, love will forgive, love will allow, love will GROW, love will save your life.
Love will make you long for beauty, and thoughts become things. Beauty will come, joy will come, prosperity will come, peace will come, simplicity will come, clarity will come, and you will create a masterpiece, when you follow your bliss...when you follow LOVE.
What do you love?
What do you dream of? Where do you want to go? What do you hope to accomplish?
Don't dream it, want it, or hope for it any longer...just follow LOVE.
This is your life; you get one chance at THIS life. And it IS what YOU CHOOSE.
Choose LOVE.
Blessings? Why, of course...
1. For Bliss and the courage to follow it.
2. For Motherhood, which gave me my courage in the first place.
3. For ACTION. I have an obligation to my Creator to live my fullest life. (I'm Your girl...)
4. For Dr.s who aren't in it for the money.
5. For the BarefootSisterhoood, at www.barefootsisterhood.com
And for the lives that are yet to be saved by people who are able and willing to step in.
Now, go....follow your bliss. Your time is NOW.