When I first started counting my blessings, it looked somewhat like this:
Thank you God for:
1. A banana Split shared 3 ways on a hot summer afternoon.
2. For fresh water to quench my thirst.
3. For fresh idea's to quench my mind.
4. For "signs".
5. For the Tao.
I give thanks.
The only thing that has changed since I first began to count my blessings, is that it sometimes feels impossible to narrow it down to just 5.
I could literally be here all day.
God, thank you for gratitude. Living a life of THANKS and APPRECIATION has renewed my tired spirit, and is slowly waking up my sleepy soul.
I could not ask for more.
The gift of a heart full of gratitude is there for everyone...it is a gift to you, also. All you have to do, is graciously accept it.
All my love,
Aaaahhh, awakening! I share your connection with a "sleepy soul". I can SO relate.
Love, I accept the gift. (Much gratitude to YOU for being the messenger.)
No matter what form your blessings take, they are always inspiring. God loves them too!
Awakening.. I love the awakening feeling.. and I can definately related to your "sleepy sould"...
I love you dear sister.
Gratitude is amazing...it does wonderful things for our spirit. Thanks for the post! Much love!
Gratitude is a wonderful gift.
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