Sunday, June 8, 2008

It was Mint N Chip...

1. For the 10 year old child who shared his ice cream with me, after my scoop of Mint N Chip hit the pavement,

I give thanks.

2. For those who have committed to purchasing Love Magnets,


Awesome things are coming. I am sure of this.

3. For Sisters who support my ambitions, goals, and desires, and for their love that steps in when I feel that the whole world has stepped out,

I give thanks.

4. For the freedom to BAN Cola of ANY kind from my diet, as ALL cola's contain ethylene glycol, which is used in anti-freeze. Ethylene glycol is a slow poison...

For clean drinking water,

I give thanks.

5. For dreams that come true, God...

I give thanks.




I dont care what you weigh,

Only that you heart is heavy with love.

I dont care where you live,

We're both on earth together, and that's all that matters to me.

I dont care what you drive,

I only care that you are driven by your bliss.

I dont care about your social circles,

I only care that you take me just the way that I am.

I dont care what color you are,

I care only that you understand that inside, we are the SAME.

I dont care what religion you practice,

I only care that you practice what you preach.

I dont care where you live,

I only care that you are safe, warm and loved.

I dont care who you know,

I only care that you know me, and take me as I am.

I dont care about your wealth,

I only care that you are rich with Self Worth.

I dont care about your education, or lack there-of...

I only care that you enjoy your life experience...this IS your higher education.

I dont care where you come from,

I care only that you understand that we are all from the same place.

I dont care what you did before,

I care only about the woman that you are right now, today.

I dont care if you understand.

I care only that you understand that I love you anyway.

~Elle Febbo