Sunday, June 8, 2008

It was Mint N Chip...

1. For the 10 year old child who shared his ice cream with me, after my scoop of Mint N Chip hit the pavement,

I give thanks.

2. For those who have committed to purchasing Love Magnets,


Awesome things are coming. I am sure of this.

3. For Sisters who support my ambitions, goals, and desires, and for their love that steps in when I feel that the whole world has stepped out,

I give thanks.

4. For the freedom to BAN Cola of ANY kind from my diet, as ALL cola's contain ethylene glycol, which is used in anti-freeze. Ethylene glycol is a slow poison...

For clean drinking water,

I give thanks.

5. For dreams that come true, God...

I give thanks.




Unknown said...

What a sweet child to share with you! Would that be your sweet child? You've trained him well!

I hope this is a joy-filled, love-inspired day for you!

Coffee First said...

I really need to ban sodas from my body too. What good is diet coke to my system? None. Zero. (But I love them more than cheap wine :(

Karen Kroner said...

Love you! and yep no cola products for me either, not only the slow kill, it really packs on the pounds!

Anonymous said...

Love number one!

Me too on the soda. I have only had three during the past month.