Origional Painting by James, The Artist, Age 5
In my first year of college, I got a sales licence here in the state of California to sell automobiles. I was hired (yes, someone actually hired me), at a Nissan Dealership. I sold Nissan's...and yeah, used cars.
Well, I was supposed to be selling cars. I never actually did sell a car, but I was CLOSE once...
It was an OLD couple, in their 70's, maybe, and they found a car there on our lot they could afford. It was Red....with RED interior.
He tried HARD to LOVE it! He kept saying things like "Red! It looks so nice!", and "Its so clean!", and "I love the color Red!", but that old lady just wasn't happy. She kept saying, "but, it's SO red...there is just so much RED!"
They were squeezing together money for the down payment I had FINALLY talked my Sales Manager into taking, and when their daughter said she'd loan them the money at 10% interest, and they were going to buy the car. The old man felt sad about the car now because his daughter was charging interest to her own father, and the old woman was sad just cause it "looked like a lobster".
I slipped them a friends number...she'd been trying to sell the Maxima her parents bought her when she was 16 years old, and I knew they'd love it; I knew it was in their price range, and that they would have to borrow money from anyone.
So I slipped them her phone number and lost the sale.
And my job.
I lasted 3 whole weeks...
Now, I'm trying to SELL advertising on my website. Yes, I want to DONATE 1/2 the proceeds to Relay for Life and fulfill a commitment that I made to a Sister; to help her raise $5,000 for cancer research, and support Relay for Life and those who ARE Relay for Life, in finding a CURE for cancer.
As a Survivor myself, I am passionate about this cause, and and am hoping to raise A LOT more than $5,000. for this AMAZING organization, and the Beautiful Souls behind it.
The other half of my advertising dollars were to fund a trip I've wanted to take and travel with a writing group to teach reading and writing to underprivileged women. (I've wanted to do this trip for 3 years).
So today, I went into a thrift store with my grandma, as we LOVE to do together, and I asked the woman behind the counter what charity was behind the CAUSE for their store.
"We feed people; that's our only purpose".
"What?" I asked...seemed to simple.
"That's all; we just want to feed hungry people; there is no profit. We also accept canned donations in exchange for goods. We just want to feed people".
She looked at me kindly, and went on boxing up food, and gathering goods for local families.
"How do you decide WHO you feed?" I started to feel like a little kid, asking too many questions, but she was kind.
"There is no criteria to meet; other than being hungry".
I didn't know what to say. I whispered, "Cripe", then felt bad.
I was just stunned; I kept thinking there had to be more. So, I asked another question.
"How many people do you feed?" I felt like I was almost challenging her...
"About 3,000 local families. Most of them have signed in here (she pointed to some folders that had obviously been alphabetized). Some are just passing through, or homeless".
She continued on with what she was doing....
I wanted to run into the parking lot, and start sharing the news, but I didn't.
NOW, I want to share these people. I'm EXCITED, and INSPIRED!
The Pen is mightier than the sword, so I figured, "Great, I'll put these people up on my BLOG, and share the news! Oh, wait...those are paid advertising spaces. It wouldn't be fair to any other person or organization if I advertised for free.
I was so bothered...I have a medium, but I cannot use it.
I started to think about how I could give when I myself am on a limited budget and can donate food, but that's about it.
I asked the woman for the information to a website or contact name, so I could share the news...they're angels!
"I'll share it with my friends, I promise", I told her.
"Bless you", she said, softly.
I couldn't possibly IMAGINE selling ad space to these kind individuals...I want to share the good news, but...to take money, is to take DIRECTLY from the mouths of my community members. Ick...
That would be like selling an overpriced Lobster on Wheels to an elderly couple. I cant do it.
So, I thought about this all afternoon. I thought about Rocky; she is an ANGEL who runs www.mothersfightingforothers.org and she is AMAZING. I've also wondered, HOW can I get this AMAZING cause MORE AWARENESS!?!? How can I give back to a WOMAN who gives so much to those who, seemingly, have been forgotten?
I let it all go. I sat in the front yard after I got home from my time with my grandma, and let my mind go, and went into my conscious self. My NOW.
Where am I supposed to be, right NOW?
Right where I am.
WHERE is my place in that which is happening around me, to me, through me?
It is in Love.
I don't have time to make THOUSANDS OF LOVE JARS! Was my thought, LOUDLY in my head...
Love Jars? Thousands of them. A gift of love, with the blessings of awareness.
Thank you, God.
1. Thank you God for being all around me.
2. Thank you God for my place. I trust that wherever I am, is exactly where I am supposed to be.
3. Thank you for the 100WATT bulb you turned on in my head, and in my heart while I was trying for peace and quiet. I guess it's true; we don't always know what's best.
4. Thank you for trusting me to serve my purpose and follow my bliss. I wont let you down.
Bliss is fun!
5. Thank you God for Sisters who understand when I answer the phone and say, "Hello, I'm writing, can I call you back, thanks, I love you, bye" and hang up on them all in one breath.
(I cant lose my train of thought, or I get....undesirable to be around).
And Honestly, thank you for providing me the light and the reminder of the most precious gift I've ever received.
My Love Jar.
The Answers are all there....
So too is awareness, kindness, free ads for Charitable Organizations, inspiration and LOVE.
God...A daily reminder of LOVE...
My gift to my Sisters...and I keep my promise to the lady in the thrift store, honor MothersFightingForOthers, and raising awareness that LOVE is the Answer.
Love is the answer, no matter the question...you'll see.
Now, please, open your present. Literally.