There are 5 people in my life who give me grief.
There are 5 people in my life who challenge me to take the high road, bite my tongue, choose the right, and remind me that it's better to be KIND than to be RIGHT.
These people are:
1. The Ex
2. The Nana
3. The Nosey Neighbor
4. The gardener who INSISTS on starting his job at 7 AM!!!!!!!!
5. And, My Father.
Each have 5 qualities that I can appreciate, always. The positives are my ammunition.
Lets break it down, shall we?
A. The Ex.
1. "EX". (Nuff said...but, sure, I'll keep going).
2. We don't live on the same street.
3. We don't speak the same language (trust me).
5. I have got a glimpse of how the other half lives, and I want NOTHING to do with it. I have this person to thank for this insight.
B. The Nana:
1. I have a VERY clear picture of what I DO NOT want to be when I grow up. Kill me first.
...no, seriously, if you love me, then kill me first.
2. She didn't raise me. (Thank you God....I love you).
3. I will remember these days, and always shower when I'm old.
4. YOU WILL REMEMBER THIS POST, and always shower when YOU are old.
5. I'm learning how to "can". Yeah, we start on Wednesday. Im really excited. See? (Please dont ask...I don't know).
C. The Nosey Neighbor
1. I amuse myself when I wave at her through her blinds when I can tell she's peeking out.
2. I think it's funny that she stands out at the mailbox, and tells the mailman how much everyone's houses are worth, and which upgrades everyone has.
3. She's home all the time, so if I get robbed, then I know it was HER. lol....
4. Her son is adorable, I appreciate when he comes to visit. I think he's 27 now...
5. She has great theories about what the people directly across the street form her do for work. She has the man pegged as a dealer, and the woman pegged for a stripper.
I know better though...The man works at Morgan Stanly as a financial advisor, and the woman teaches Kindergarten at a private school. lmao....
Ahhhh...the 'burbs.
D. THE GARDENER, who INSISTS ON STARTING AT 7 AM! 5 things....OK, here we go...
1. I don't have to mow my own lawn. That would scare the crap outta me...Id end up on the news with one leg and a survival story, I'm sure of it.
2. He fixes the sprinklers for me after I run them over with my car. (Its only the ones so close to the driveway....they're just so close!)
3. He teaches me Spanish.
4. He tells me that I look nice every time he sees me. (I'm way bigger than he is. He makes me feel HUGE, but he's always so kind. He cant be taller than 4'11".).
5. At Christmas, I buy him a plaid shirt, every year. Who else could I ever buy a plaid shirt for? Especially out of the Boys section! The deals on plaid shirts in the Boys section are really acceptional...
1. He adopted me. That was nice of him.
2. The silence between us these last 6 months has been slightly peaceful, but I miss my Daddy now. Thank you God for giving me a Daddy to miss in the first place. (Even though he can be stubborn).
3. He taught me to always PLAY. And PLAY I do.
4. He instilled a love for nature, and the life cycle of the butterfly. He always compared me to a butterfly, and I have a collection of butterflies from all over the world that my father collected for me during his travels. My Daddy thought of me.
5. He taught me to be thoughtful; to consider another soul is the greatest gift you could ever bestow upon them.
NOW, as much grief as these 5 people may cause me, I am so grateful for my perspective.
My chosen perspective, and sense of gratitude for the blessings in these experiences that are rightfully mine, have transformed me.
I think I see wing buds.
Now, YOU try it.
Whisper I love you in their direction.....then, count the biggest blessing of ALL.
YOU are who YOU are...and YOU are the ONLY YOU in the universe.
Bless the world around you with your light....and love it all.
It all has purpose, and beauty is all around you. It's in your perspective.