Friday, June 6, 2008

Gratitude is YOURS

When I first started counting my blessings, it looked somewhat like this:

Thank you God for:

1. A banana Split shared 3 ways on a hot summer afternoon.

2. For fresh water to quench my thirst.

3. For fresh idea's to quench my mind.

4. For "signs".

5. For the Tao.

I give thanks.

The only thing that has changed since I first began to count my blessings, is that it sometimes feels impossible to narrow it down to just 5.

I could literally be here all day.

God, thank you for gratitude. Living a life of THANKS and APPRECIATION has renewed my tired spirit, and is slowly waking up my sleepy soul.

I could not ask for more.

The gift of a heart full of gratitude is there for is a gift to you, also. All you have to do, is graciously accept it.

All my love,



C.C. said...

Aaaahhh, awakening! I share your connection with a "sleepy soul". I can SO relate.
Love, I accept the gift. (Much gratitude to YOU for being the messenger.)

Unknown said...

No matter what form your blessings take, they are always inspiring. God loves them too!

Tracy said...

Awakening.. I love the awakening feeling.. and I can definately related to your "sleepy sould"...
I love you dear sister.

jennykate77 said...

Gratitude is does wonderful things for our spirit. Thanks for the post! Much love!

Coffee First said...

Gratitude is a wonderful gift.