Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha
He said it best.
Continuing here in my new pad with five blessings per day...I can do this anywhere, but while I'm waiting for advertisers to arrive to support RELAY FOR LIFE, the echo sounds kinda cool...
This really wasn't an easy day...I hoped to start the blessings in my new place with more of an upbeat mood. Tonight, I just feel mellow. Exhausted, drained, dazed. A move takes a lot out of a girl, even with fifty sisters helping out.
Advertisers will too will kind neighbors.
Until then, I've got LIGHT.
I've got love....
And I've got JOY.
With these things, I've got it all; I'm rich beyond measure.
Blessings, as usual...
1. For teachers, God, I'm thankful. As much pain as lessons in life can cause, I am so grateful for my teachers.
I'd be half the woman I am today without the teachers that have been placed DIRECTLY in my path.
(Now, can I take the summer off???)
2. For the support and well wishes of Sisters who believe in me, support me, LOVE ME..I am so grateful. I'll NEVER fall.
They'll never allow it.
Thank God....
3. For my Mother, I am grateful. She is the greatest teacher I've ever had, and simply the best example to humanity that the world has to offer.
She's smart, she's courageous, she's raised boys who think for themselves and are strong men who are finding their own way through their own glorious process, and now, she's still raising me, at the tender age of 34.
I tell you, she's a SAINT.
I love her, and I want to be just like her when I grow up.
4. For the teachings of Buddha; for the words and wisdom and peace, love and tranquility Buddhism brings to me, I am so grateful.
God is AWESOME. Religion is AMAZING.
I am no one particular religion....
I just AM.
I believe in LOVE, I believe in GRATITUDE, I believe that JOY is our purpose and that shedding my light is my reason for living.
I believe the same is true for everyone else...
I feel special. lol...
5. And thank you God for my messy desk...someone said it was the sign of a genius, and since thoughts become things, I heeded the warning, and left it a complete disaster...
Yeah, so this "empty blog pad" is looking better and better.
Thanks, God. You're bitchin'.
Count your blessings, Sisters....share your light, be heard, give love, and be THANKFUL for your teachers. They are part of you.
What? A Book Review?
9 years ago
Lovely...your new pad is just lovely...thank you for inviting me over! I'll return the favor - please click on my screenname anytime and stop over for a little fun, coffee, or blessings! (You'll see the same ones on CM, but they're so much more..."bloggy" here!)
Have a beautiful weekend, Pwincess!
Hey Elle - love the new digs and today's blessings.
Stay inspired!
Expand your mind ~ vist Brain Angles
Elle - You have a beautiful place here. I am very proud of you for taking this step and proud to be your friend.
Hey Sister, beautiful blessings today! And thats my new favorite quote! Thanks for passing along a goodie! xoxo
I love the new's just so, so, so...YOU! It is yours and yours alone. No boundaries to keep you in, no one to say to you, "No, you can't do that." Or, "Sorry the spell check cost you 45 minutes of work." Nope, cause this is YOUR place and that would never happen here! I love you lots, sweetie and the echo will get better, I promise...
It's wonderful here and I love to come visit....
This place is GREAT!!! I love what you've done with it, I do not care where you post, I am hardly on the CM anymore anyway... noone even talks to me there! So this is perfect!
Love ya
Hey Elle, It's mommabear. As always, BEAUTIFUL blessings shared between sisters! THANK YOU so much for being you!! You rock Elle! xoxoxoxxo
Love your new pad. Have a great week-end.
I love you Elle! Your site is going to thrive on love! Its beautiful like your soul!
Ok you inspired me to set mine up, as I am awaiting the great lake trip.... errrrggg
Love the Buddha quote. Truly inspiring! The new site looks fabulous. I'm looking forward to reading more blessings!!!
Jen (jsnzmom)
Hi Elle...I love your new page. It's beautiful - and wonderful that you are following your heart. Keep up the beautiful blessings...
I love you!
Linda :-)
To my soul sister ~ as always you have found your place ~ here on this page with all the peace and serenity that you can have. Thank god your blessings are still coming.. I love you and love your new "home"..keep writing...I love reading it... all my love ~ Tracy
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