Saturday, May 31, 2008

I'm on a roll...

How absurd...she swallowed a bird?

I keep thinking of that nursery thing lead to another, starting with a SPIDER (that wiggled and jiggled and tickled inside her...), and eventually, she ended up swallowing a HORSE.

She died, of course.

Why did she keep going???

I argue...I argue with MYSELF. Even when I KNOW BETTER, I argue with my myself because my head says the opposite of my heart. For as far back as I can remember, those two body parts have never gotten along.

My head is often wrong...because LOVE always wins. I should know better by now. Why didn't I stop at the SPIDER? We all make mistakes...everyone occasionally swallows a Spider.


Yep, I'm tired...

1. Thank you God for nursery rhymes. I finally get that one. (Gross way to put a really valuable lesson). Its up to you to make choices that serve your purpose, and to invest your energy where it will manifest and become brilliant. If you are doing something today that you no longer wish to continue doing, then make the choice to STOP. Remove yourselves from that which drains your power and robs you of your light.

2. Thanks, too, for light...I sat in the Den today with a book a picked up this morning at a garage sale, and turned the light on next to the sofa. I opened the book, randomly, to a page in the center, and began to read.

The Author asked the reader to think about a lamp...what does a lamp do? It shines light! Does it CHOOSE who it sheds its light on, and who it does not? Is it picky about who's path is lit? Does it reserve light for those deemed worthy, or which live up to it's expectations and predetermined standards?
Of course not..its a LAMP. It just IS.

YOU are just are. Do NOT choose who you shed your light and love are LIGHT...created to illuminate your life so that your light might cast a glow on someone elses path.

Just shine..all are worthy.

3. For the completion of a book I put together for my grandma, I AM SO GRATEFUL! I hope she loves it. She complains that I "never" let her read what I write (I guess the printed articles I cut out and stick into envelopes don't count).

I think what she really wants is to know where I am INSIDE...I think she's bored with articles, and I don't think she cares much about the book. She wants to know ME.

So, I wrote her the book of Elle and Nana. Its the ONLY copy, and I pray she loves it. I figure I'd better let her in before she's gone forever.

4. For whole wheat blueberry pancakes for dinner, I give big THANKS...God, that was SO good.

5. For the morning with my Mom. Someone rattled my cup...they didn't TIP MY CUP, oh no, but there was a small spill. I wont lie.

She filled my cup....

And so did the T-Shirt that came in the mail today from my Sister in Chicago..

It says:

"SHOW ME THE LOVE" on the front...

How frickin appropriate.

I love her.

Count your blessings, avoid the spiders, and LAUGH..laughing is good.


Friday, May 30, 2008

Blessings. Just....blessings.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha

He said it best.

Continuing here in my new pad with five blessings per day...I can do this anywhere, but while I'm waiting for advertisers to arrive to support RELAY FOR LIFE, the echo sounds kinda cool...

This really wasn't an easy day...I hoped to start the blessings in my new place with more of an upbeat mood. Tonight, I just feel mellow. Exhausted, drained, dazed. A move takes a lot out of a girl, even with fifty sisters helping out.

Advertisers will too will kind neighbors.
Until then, I've got LIGHT.
I've got love....

And I've got JOY.

With these things, I've got it all; I'm rich beyond measure.

Blessings, as usual...

1. For teachers, God, I'm thankful. As much pain as lessons in life can cause, I am so grateful for my teachers.

I'd be half the woman I am today without the teachers that have been placed DIRECTLY in my path.

(Now, can I take the summer off???)

2. For the support and well wishes of Sisters who believe in me, support me, LOVE ME..I am so grateful. I'll NEVER fall.

They'll never allow it.

Thank God....

3. For my Mother, I am grateful. She is the greatest teacher I've ever had, and simply the best example to humanity that the world has to offer.

She's smart, she's courageous, she's raised boys who think for themselves and are strong men who are finding their own way through their own glorious process, and now, she's still raising me, at the tender age of 34.

I tell you, she's a SAINT.

I love her, and I want to be just like her when I grow up.

4. For the teachings of Buddha; for the words and wisdom and peace, love and tranquility Buddhism brings to me, I am so grateful.

God is AWESOME. Religion is AMAZING.
I am no one particular religion....

I just AM.

I believe in LOVE, I believe in GRATITUDE, I believe that JOY is our purpose and that shedding my light is my reason for living.

I believe the same is true for everyone else...

I feel special. lol...

5. And thank you God for my messy desk...someone said it was the sign of a genius, and since thoughts become things, I heeded the warning, and left it a complete disaster...

Yeah, so this "empty blog pad" is looking better and better.

Thanks, God. You're bitchin'.

Count your blessings, Sisters....share your light, be heard, give love, and be THANKFUL for your teachers. They are part of you.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Far More...

Far More...

Far more than you could ever know,

Far more than words can say,

You're on my mind,

And in my heart,

With every passing Day.

You fill my life with happiness,

You're all my dreams come true,

And there's no greater joy for me,

Than just to be with you.


Elle Febbo


My first publication... I was 12 years old.

Follow your bliss...